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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Highlighting our scientific achievements

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Image of the front cover of APHA's Annual Science Review 2018

The APHA Annual Science Review 2018 has been published and gives an overview of our main scientific achievements and highlights during the last year. It is primarily produced for the APHA Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) who are an independent body providing advice and re-assurance on the quality and appropriateness of our science strategy and capability.

Grouped around the science portfolios and scientific disciplines working across the APHA, the Science Review shows the range of expertise within the Agency and the scale of work we have been involved in to protect animal, bee and plant health and support the delivery of APHA’s Science Strategy 2015-20.


Some of the many achievements highlighted across the portfolios include:

  • the establishment of a new International Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) with Cefas and VMD
  • the launch of the GB Avian Disease Surveillance Dashboard on the Vet Gateway
  • development of whole genome sequencing (WGS) for routine surveillance of bovine TB and other bacteria
  • molecular studies in prion proteins
  • increased capabilities to manage African swine fever, and
  • hosting the 10th International Symposium on Avian Influenza.

It also features the trade shows APHA has attended and participation in outbreak preparedness exercises as well as showcasing the international visits and collaborations; giving an added dimension to the activities we are involved in alongside our extensive range of research projects.

Further information on our work

In addition to our latest review a brief introduction to our research and scientific activities can be found on the Research at APHA web page which includes links to the:

APHA science blog - communicating our science

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