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Invasive species: A global problem we can tackle together

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Invasive Species
Image of a group of people behind large letters that say, #IPBESTO

This week, a major new report on invasive species was published by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). It highlights the seriousness of the threat posed by invasive non-native species but shows that by working together with greater coordination and resources we can successfully tackle the threat.

What is all the buzz about mosquitoes?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Science Capability in Animal Health Programme, Viral diseases
Image of a mosquito with the APHA logo and the text, "World Mosquito Day 2023"

With climate change impacting mosquito populations in the UK and Europe attention is turning to the increased risk of new diseases becoming established in our mosquito populations. APHA’s Vector-Borne Diseases Workgroup Head, Nick Johnson, and Dr Karen Mansfield, Dr Estela Gonzalez-Fernandez, Sanam Sewgobind and Insiyah Parekh from the Arbovirus Research Team reveal more.