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Happy 4th birthday APHA Science Blog!

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Today (18th April) marks the 4th birthday of the APHA Science Blog. Whether this is your first visit or you are a regular reader we would like to invite you to look through our top 10 published blogs from the last year.

1. SLSD in action: a day in the life of a Veterinary Investigation Officer

Female veterinary investigation officer standing in a lab at a glass cabinet with a surgical knife in her hand
Veterinary investigation Officer, Adrienne Mackintosh working in the lab

‘There is no such thing as a typical day in the life of a VIO’. Hands down the most viewed blog we published in the past year. It was written by one of our witty Veterinary Investigation Officers, Adrienne Mackintosh, and describes life in her busy role.

2. One Health is integral to APHA science

Sunday 3rd November 2019 was One Health Day. Have you ever wondered what One Health is or why it is so important? In this blog Dr Kath Webster, Director of Scientific Services at APHA, explains all and shares what our scientists are doing in One Health on a national and international scale.

3. 13 – 17 May is Invasive Species Week!

Celebrating the fifth annual Invasive Species Week, APHA joined organizations’ across the UK, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey to mark a week of action to raise awareness of invasive non-native species, their impacts, and the simple things that everyone can do to help prevent their spread.

4. How we could use drones to detect plant health threats

White drone flying against a blue sky
Drone in flight

Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones as they are more commonly known, are a useful piece of kit for many of our APHA plant inspectors. Find out just how they can be used in this interesting read.

5. World Rabies Day 2019

When you hear the word rabies, this often conjures up images of aggressive dogs, with drooling saliva dripping from bared teeth however, I imagine you would not necessarily think of bats as likely animals to become infected with the disease too?

6. SLSD in action: Laboratory testing

One in a series of blogs about the work of the Surveillance and Laboratory Services Department (SLSD), we described some of the varied testing that we do and highlighted some of the teams who undertake the work.

7. An insight into the world of ticks

As blood feeders, ticks are very efficient disease vectors. Indeed worldwide, tick-borne diseases may be the greatest threat to farm animal production as well as the second greatest threat to human health, second only to mosquito-borne diseases. In this blog, Paul Phipps from the Virology Department discusses ticks and the diseases associated with the red sheep tick.

8. One Health EJP Summer School

In this three minute read, APHA's Hannah Fry shared her personal experiences of the One Health EJP Summer School 2019. She explained why One Health is such a hot topic and what the Summer School, hosted by the University of Surrey, offered its global delegates.

9. ‘And… action’! A taste of Hollywood for APHA Virologists

Female scientist performing an experiment while a camera films her from over her shoulder.
Daisy Jennings, research scientist at APHA, performing the PCR experiment.

APHA’s Denise Marston reported on a new way of scientific publishing in The Journal of Visual Experimentation (JoVE). Learn how the process works and what happened when the film crew arrived at Weybridge.

10. Bees’ Needs Week 2019

Bees are really important pollinators and are therefore critical for our food security. To celebrate Bees’ Needs Week 2019, APHA’s Arran Folly and Mark Thomas talked more about these amazing creatures, highlighting some of the amazing diversity we see in bees, but also the threats that they currently face.

Our science blog

Four years ago we started this blog site as a means to share the wide variety of work done by our scientists at APHA and showcase some of the interesting things we get up to. In this time, I am proud to say our blog has gone from strength to strength as we welcome new visitors and authors to our blog each month.

Producing blogs for the site takes a lot of work and commitment from everyone involved and I want to say thank you to everyone who has contributed in some way this year.

We have lots to look forward to in the coming year including more from our Lead Scientists as they share the work we do in the One Health arena, updates about our international work as well as more insight into the wide-ranging and sometimes unexpected work APHA staff get up to!

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