Marking World Rabies Day 2016

...promote awareness about rabies, especially for those vulnerable people who live in a rabies-endemic country, and who are at daily risk of exposure to rabies virus. World Rabies Day 2016...
...promote awareness about rabies, especially for those vulnerable people who live in a rabies-endemic country, and who are at daily risk of exposure to rabies virus. World Rabies Day 2016...
...the Diagnostic Laboratory for Rabies (DLR) at CVRI. Rabies statistics for China from the Global Alliance for Rabies Control. PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis. Rabies PEP is a set of...
...the Mission Rabies website. Rabies and APHA The rabies laboratory at APHA is the national reference laboratory and the OIE Reference Laboratory and WHO Collaborating Centre for rabies. The UK...
...Centre for Rabies and the Head of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) Reference Laboratory for Rabies. When I joined the rabies team, it comprised a small team of... various publicised activities and programmes. APHA’s work to prevent the spread of rabies The United Kingdom (UK) is rabies-free, and the Rabies National Reference Laboratory (Rabies NRL) is one...
Rabies virus APHA’s Rabies and Viral Zoonoses workgroup undertake work to reduce the risk of rabies and protect animals and humans in the UK and abroad. In this blog, we... could do, was wait. “Once clinical symptoms appear, rabies is virtually 100% fatal.” Unfortunately, this is not an isolated, rare, or unusual story. Ghana rabies situation In Ghana, a...
...for Human Rabies APHA is also the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for human rabies, and provides a diagnostic service to clinicians and public health colleagues whenever rabies is suspected in...
...during the WHO Collaborating Centres Meeting in Germany. His talk is “Challenges in Rabies Prevention – the Growing Diversity of Lyssaviruses”. For more information visit the Mission Rabies website
...controlling rabies globally and preventing the risk of rabies reintroduction to the UK. Since the tripartite agreement for the elimination of dog-mediated human rabies by 2030 was agreed between the...
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