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APHA celebrates the work of our female scientists on International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021

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Image of ten female faces around a central title saying' We are #APHAscience'. A separate title below this says 'International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021.'

Today marks the sixth International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This year, we highlight the range of roles and opportunities available to women in science. The accompanying video features a small selection of our female scientists explaining their roles and why APHA is a great place to work.

COVID-19 testing: the scientists behind the scenes

Posted by: , , , and , Posted on: - Categories: COVID-19, Diagnostics & testing
Image of the exterior of a laboratory door with white lab coats hanging up outside. The lab door has signs saying: DO not enter unless authorised and COVID-19.

We have all become used to hearing in the news about COVID-19 infection numbers but have you ever wondered about the scientists behind the scenes, testing samples and providing these all important results? We reveal more in our latest blog.

Veterinary Pathologist vacancy at our internationally renowned science headquarters

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Image of a lamb standing next to a sheet, both looking at the camera with the text, 'We are hiring' over the top.

Put your veterinary skills and pathology experience to work in an interesting and influential role. You will be underpinning the crucial work of a dedicated agency that is tackling disease and ensuring the health of animals throughout the UK. We offer the opportunity to work on high impact diseases of farm animals, poultry and many other species, good work life balance and job security.

APHA provides science evidence quickly leading to the first detection of bird ‘flu in the United Kingdom

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Viral diseases
Image of a brown hen standing in a field with other hens in the background.

This year has seen the earlier than expected arrival of Highly Pathogenic H5 Avian Influenza Virus which is infecting both wild birds and poultry on small holdings and commercial production units. Find out how APHA detects and reacts to a bird ‘flu outbreak in the United Kingdom.

Transferable skills: providing scientific advice to public health policy makers during the coronavirus pandemic

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: COVID-19, Data analysis & modelling
White airplane flying towards the camera in a blue sky with white clouds.

As coronavirus case numbers in the UK started to come down in June of this year, policy makers were beginning to talk about resuming international travel. In this blog, we hear from Risk Analyst Catherine McCarthy as she talks about an opportunity APHA had to produce a risk assessment for human international air travel … something very different for us!